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Rosalie Rayburn
Author, Translator
The Power of Rain
A tough young reporter in the fictional city of Las Vistas, New Mexico Elizabeth “Digger” Doyle has a nose for uncovering political intrigue at city hall. And there’s plenty of that in a town where developers call the shots. When an environmental activist group contacts Digger about their campaign to stop a road that threatens a historic Spanish chapel, Digger is determined to expose how encroaching sprawl development is damaging the fragile landscape. She hadn’t counted on falling for protest leader Maria Ortiz, the Hispanic artist fighting to save the area’s heritage. As Digger follows the story, aided by confidential tips from a mysterious source, she and Maria must navigate a tricky relationship. Digger faces a painful dilemma–follow her heart and embrace Maria’s cause, or maintain her integrity as a journalist.
Plot/Idea: 8 out of 10
Originality: 7 out of 10
Prose: 8 out of 10
Character/Execution: 8 out of 10
Overall: 7.75 out of 10


Plot/Idea: Reporter Digger is pursuing the story behind local flood risks and the development of a new access road, but when she catches on to the shady dealings in the developer’s past, and the potential for the construction to damage a cherished Hispanic chapel, she’s quickly on the hunt for truth. The plot is absorbing and well-organized, and the sparks between Digger and Maria add sweetness.

Prose: Rayburn writes succinctly, with clear prose that smoothly progresses the story. Dialogue between characters is effortless, and the novel’s setting comes alive in Rayburn’s capable hands.

Originality: Dirty politics and underhanded developments are old news, but the cultural elements here are reverently developed and add depth to the plot. The unexpected ending will please fans.

Character/Execution: Digger fits the bill for a journalist driven to uncover the truth, and Maria plays a forceful counterpart to Digger’s more passive moments. The story’s villains are as evil as expected, particularly developer Johnny Raposa, who eventually gets his comeuppance. 

Date Submitted: May 10, 2023

