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Matthew Fries
The Rabbit Hole
An evil ideology is altering the minds and bodies of visitors to Santa’s Kingdom, a Christmas-themed amusement park, and once joyful children are transforming into little monsters. Unaware of the horrors that await them, the park’s newest hire, Jimmy Miles, and his pregnant sister, Bailey, are looking for a fresh start. Upon arrival, the siblings are stunned to find the park overrun. Gingerbread Go-Kart Palace has fallen, the go-karts commandeered, and a convoy of children are demanding freedom from the lies of the deep state. Attempts to reason with the unruly Santa Deniers prove futile, and as nightmarish cries of UNWRAP THE TRUTH and MAKE CHRISTMAS GREAT AGAIN ring out, Jimmy and Bailey turn to the only thing that can save them: A demon trapped in the body of a rabbit. Escape may be possible, but at what cost? It’s a Wonderful Life meets Invasion of the Body Snatchers in the hilarious political satire that puts the ho ho ho back in horror, the con back in conspiracy, and the dumb back in freedom. This is book II in The Sick Box Trilogy but can be read as a standalone.
