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Rochelle Finzel
The Run of My Life
The Run of My Life is a compelling memoir about self-discovery, resilience, and the radical courage to let go of the past. Rochelle Finzel followed the rules and aspired to be the best. At thirty-nine, her life seemed perfect. She had a great job, was dating her soulmate, climbed mountains on the weekends and had just run a personal best marathon. Four days later, she was diagnosed with stage IV cancer. Facing a bleak prognosis, Rochelle reexamined her life. Facing continual reminders of her mortality but fiercely fighting for survival, she opened her heart, followed her gut, learned to listen to her body, and trusted its wisdom. Honest and heartfelt, The Run of My Life pulls the reader into exam rooms and onto mountaintops, offering hope and inspiration for those enduring any crisis, and for finding new life on the other side.
