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Paperback Book Details
  • 03/2014
  • 9781495201738 B00J2CA14W
  • 382 pages
  • $14.99
Ebook Details
  • 03/2014
  • B00J2CA14W
  • 384 pages
  • $9.99
Hardcover Book Details
  • 03/2021
  • 9780996423458
  • 382 pages
  • $22.99
The Sciell
An energy that grants certain people special abilities. They mold darkness and shadow into weapons, barriers, nearly anything they could imagine. Shade Harrellite and Vayle Slaughter live in a hidden village for darkness beings. Life isn’t great but their sibling bond is their light. They need that bond when villagers begin acting violent. Residents are sneaking into human cities and returning with fresh flesh. Someone behind the scenes is changing Raesul and letting these new monsters loose on the world. As their village falls apart, Shade and Vayle unravel the twisted truths behind their pasts and powers. Maybe Raesul's destruction will show them their true selves. Darkness is changing. The world will suffer.
Paperback Book Details
  • 03/2014
  • 9781495201738 B00J2CA14W
  • 382 pages
  • $14.99
Ebook Details
  • 03/2014
  • B00J2CA14W
  • 384 pages
  • $9.99
Hardcover Book Details
  • 03/2021
  • 9780996423458
  • 382 pages
  • $22.99
