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Kindle Edition eBooks Details
  • 01/2019
  • 978-0-9768354-5-5 B07KRG54DD
  • 154 pages
  • $15.99
Rudolf Okonkwo
The Secret Letters of President Donald J. Trump, Age 72 1/6 (Wiseguy Satire Series Book 1)
Thirty-eight secret letters that US President Donald Trump wrote were anonymously leaked to a New York-based journalist. Trump wrote to figures as varied as Barack Obama, Kim Jong-un, Oprah Winfrey, Fred Trump, Rex Tillerson, Stormy Daniels, Pope Francis, Martin Luther King Jr., God, Michael Cohen, Hillary Clinton, Allah, Ivanka Trump, Nelson Mandela, Emmanuel Macron, Kanye West, Jeff Sessions, Omarosa, Paul Manafort, John McCain, Rosanne Barr, Prince Harry, LeBron James, Queen Elizabeth, Vladimir Putin and many others. You have watched President Donald Trump speak. You have read his tweets. Now imagine what his secret letters to selected individuals on his sharp radar would be like.

I enjoyed reading the hilarious and totally fictitious letters authored by Rudolf Ogoo Okonkwo in his new political satire book, “The Secret Letters of President Donald J. Trump, Age 72 1/6.” His book reveals 38 secret letters the author created which were written and sent (not) to Obama, Kim Jong-un, and many other notables including a gem to Rosanne Barr.  An excerpt:

“Dear Rosanne,

…My only concern is that you often operate like a lone ranger. You are incapable of taking instructions from anybody. There has to be someone out there that you listen to. You cannot operate on your own whims. Who do you think you are? Donald Trump?”

Each “Secret letter” is tongue in cheek and a lot of fun to read and it’s hard to put down as laughter seems to increase with each one. Here’s another excerpt from the “secret letter” to Queen Elizabeth,

“… Now let me say the most amazing thing you ever heard. I hope you remember it for the rest of your life. I find you very hot, grandma. It was a surprise to me. I hope you don't take any offense. Consciously or unconsciously, I did not expect that. I'm just being me. At one point I was afraid of being left alone with you in the palace. Just saying. Imagine the president of the United States hooking up with the Queen of England in Buckingham Palace or in a Treetop Hotel in a jungle somewhere. Now that would be the greatest movie of all time… Now let me say the most amazing thing you ever heard. …I hope (this letter) makes you smile whenever you remember it.”

Each letter is creative, very funny, clever and outrageous and the author has a lot of talent. As you begin each of these humorous letters, I wondered wonder what the author is going to come up with next and I wasn’t disappointed. Enjoyed it!"

Kirkus Review

“Irreverent work refreshingly makes light of a presidency that’s long been a tinderbox of angry contention.”

“Adeptly captures the idiosyncrasies of Trump’s speech as well as his relentless penchant for self-aggrandizement.”

“An assemblage of these fanciful missives—38 in all—mostly written to people who’ve figured prominently in the drama of Trump’s tenure.”

“The author is at his best when he departs from the predictable highlights of the daily news cycle, as when he has Trump counsel Allah: “I think if you want to surpass the Christian God in a jiffy, you should have a daughter as soon as possible.”- Kirkus Review

Kindle Edition eBooks Details
  • 01/2019
  • 978-0-9768354-5-5 B07KRG54DD
  • 154 pages
  • $15.99
