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Ebook Details
  • 10/2020
  • 317 pages
  • $4.37
Zephyr Dorsey
The Serpent
Government Agent Rico Roma awakes atop a dead body in a strange home, with no memory of how he got there. His quest for answers will lead him to questions far deeper than those concerning an unsolved murder. He will be forced to face the deepest mysteries of God and life on Earth. And the answers will shock him. Jango Kadinsky, walking on the edge of Suicide Gorge, finds a strange glowing cylinder which will alter the course of his life and make him reconsider everything he thought he knew about reality. Jill LaFleur witnesses a murder that jars her out of her path-of-least-resistance life and leads her to the world's greatest genius. Two secret societies, after long centuries of war, have at last arrived at their final battle. But will saving humanity require breaking the world?
Ebook Details
  • 10/2020
  • 317 pages
  • $4.37
