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Ebook Details
  • 11/2023
  • 377 pages
  • $4.99
Paperback Details
  • 11/2023
  • 377 pages
  • $19.99
Rodger Carlyle
The Shadow Game
The Hakimi family has devoted decades to regime reform in their beloved Iran, finally realizing that they alone will never have the power to achieve it. But the regime can never survive the power of the United States, and so the family goes to work to provoke the U.S. into action. When a bomb goes off in Greensboro, North Carolina and America’s extraordinary nuclear detection systems prove to be inadequate, Team Walker is activated, a group of brilliant misfits who somehow see things others don't and who find patterns others miss. After weeks of data mining, old fashioned espionage and traditional police work, the team is still at a loss as to how the weapon reached American soil and who detonated it, and most terrifyingly, why. If they can figure out who the enemy is, they might stop further destruction. That dream explodes along with part of Reno, Nevada as a second bomb is detonated. Intelligence patterns are detected by tracking multiple incidents, but when each incident guts an American city, there has to be a better way.
Ebook Details
  • 11/2023
  • 377 pages
  • $4.99
Paperback Details
  • 11/2023
  • 377 pages
  • $19.99

