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Sharon Dukett
The Shutdown List

People are disappearing. Anita may be next. But first, they have to find her.

Anita Forester witnesses her husband, Julian, being dragged away by police during a protest. A stranger warns her to flee. Still reeling from the loss of her adult son only two years earlier, Anita embarks on a perilous journey to find her husband, unaware of the crucial secret he has kept from her.

While piecing together the trail to her missing husband, Anita intercepts a hard drive containing priceless data sought by a fossil fuel magnate with secrets of his own—secrets he would kill to protect.

Set against a backdrop of climate activism, The Shutdown List is filled with twists and turns, corruption and betrayal. Anita must fight to stay alive and find Julian before he disappears forever.

Plot/Idea: 9 out of 10
Originality: 8 out of 10
Prose: 8 out of 10
Character/Execution: 8 out of 10
Overall: 8.25 out of 10


Plot/Idea: The Shutdown List integrates elements of a traditional thriller with a timely commentary on climate change, leading to a smart and riveting narrative.

Prose: Dukett writes fluidly, maintaining tension while providing additional levels of interest concerning activism and the unfolding threats of climate destruction.

Originality: Though The Shutdown List has familiar beats, the examination of current political issues, corruption, climate change, and their impact on the primary characters, is sparklingly fresh.

Character/Execution: Distinct characters and some solid, unexpected twists abound in Dukett's The Shutdown List. Protagonist Anita serves as an emotional anchor for the story, and it's through her struggles and quest that the wider plot unfolds. 

Date Submitted: April 29, 2024

