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The Skies of Time
Newly promoted Admiral Ashley Patterson is on a public relations flight with her husband, author and Naval Reserve Lieutenant. The idea was dreamed up by the Pentagon to celebrate Ashley’s promotion as the youngest Navy admiral in American History. As happened before, they encounter a wormhole or time portal. Ashley calls Jack her “time magnet,” because he seems to have a talent for finding wormholes. They’ve time travelled before, but this time it’s different – they encountered a time portal, or wormhole – in the sky. They have a duty – to warn the authorities of the coming war. They also have a duty to themselves. They want to return to their home, their home in 2016. But Franklin Roosevelt has different plans for them. Their plane, an F-18, had a cockpit data recorder, a Black Box, which would give them the coordinates to find the wormhole and return home. But, to their horror, they realize that 1940 technology cannot read the data on the Black Box. They’re stranded – 76 years in the past. Will they have to restart their lives from 1940 and never return home? Or will they find a way to read the secrets of the box? All they know is that they have an unfailing love for each other. A nail biter of a tale in the spirit of the other books in The Time Magnet Series, The Gray Ship, The Thanksgiving Gang, and A Time of Fear.
