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Melanie Hooyenga
The Slope Rules
Fifteen-year old Cally accepted her fate as one of the guys, so when she meets Blake, a hot snowboarder who sees her for more than her aerials on the slopes, she falls fast and hard. But their romance can only last as long as vacation. Or so she thinks. A twist of fate—well, her Dad opening another brewery in a new town—lands her in Blake’s school, but the charismatic boy she fell for wants nothing to do with her, and worse, the Snow Bunnies, the popular clique, claim her as their newest recruit. Cally must learn to be true to herself—all while landing a spot on the ski team and figuring out who she is without her old friends. And when she finds out what Blake is hiding, she learns the rules on the slopes apply to more than just skiing.
Plot/Idea: 7 out of 10
Originality: 8 out of 10
Prose: 9 out of 10
Character/Execution: 9 out of 10
Overall: 8.25 out of 10


Plot: While the plot here is pretty standard for YA, that doesn't mean the story isn't well executed. The author has crafted a compelling book that will engage readers.

Prose: The prose is tight and enjoyable from the first paragraph until the very end. The author's descriptions are vivid and beautiful.

Originality: Although the plot is somewhat standard, the author finds ways to make the story feel fresh, new, and unique.

Character Development: Cally has a strong, self confident voice and is a fully developed character. Most of the supporting cast are also well rendered.

Date Submitted: August 16, 2017

