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Kindle Edition Digital Ebook Purchas Details
  • B09PJXRS59
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Judith Sterling
The Spear Alight (Guardians of Erin Book 4)
Ashling Donoghue has almost lost hope of finding her missing parents. As her faith wanes, her love for two men waxes, rending her heart and causing friction in the Breasal household. The time has come to make a choice, to create a future untarnished by doubt. But how can she embrace the light when lured by the soft seduction of shadow? At last, her brother Conall channels the Spear of Illumination. He's a natural shapeshifter, and he sees through illusions in both the material world and the Otherworld…not a moment too soon. An ancient evil has surfaced, and it threatens all worlds. Only the Donoghues can save Ireland. They must face their greatest fears and act as one to fulfill their destinies as guardians of Erin.
Kindle Edition Digital Ebook Purchas Details
  • B09PJXRS59
  • pages
  • $
