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Paperback Details
  • 00/2023
  • 9781398485150
  • 200 pages
  • $£9.99
eBook Details
  • 00/2023
  • 9781398485167
  • 200 pages
  • $£3.50
Sara Sheeran
The Sum of All Parts
Sara Sheeran, author
The Sum of all Parts is a shattered story of life, love, pain, memories, betrayal, and hope. Told through the eyes of six women, it reflects on how our thoughts create feelings, our feelings create behaviour, and our behaviour creates feelings: the endless cycle that drives life.
Amazon 5 Star Review

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 12 August 2023

Verified Purchase

A great read. At times I just had to keep turning the pages. Wonderfully written and really makes you think about the actual affect you have on others. 'Walk a mile in my shoes' as they say. Highly recommended.

Amazon UK

Amazon UK review by Ben Gunn, 15 April 20223

"one man in his time plays many parts,”

The woman in this novel “plays many parts” and the many lives of the protagonist are revealed in such a way as to give the impression that time and space are malleable as the various “characters” make more than one appearance throughout the novel .

The plot raises many questions:
Is each rôle imposed and can they be modified or resisted?
Does the “heroine” have any self-will and is therefore the author, in part at least, of her misfortune?
Or is she the victim of unavoidable tragedy?
Is there such a thing as positive abuse and are all relationships abusive to at least some degree?

The reader is increasingly drawn into the subject’s private lives and forbidden thoughts and fears and the suspense is not relieved until the very last page.

A cerebral novel that bears re-reading.

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5 star Goodreads review from Keyzer Soze on April 1st 2023:"The Sum of All Parts" by Sara Sheeran is a deeply moving and thought-provoking novel that tells the story of a woman's life journey through six different stages. The protagonist, who remains unnamed, faces several challenges in her life, including sexual abuse, Alzheimer's disease, and infidelity.The novel is structured into six different sections, each representing a different stage of the protagonist's life. As she progresses through each stage, she reflects on her experiences, relationships, and struggles, giving readers an intimate look into her life.One of the most poignant themes of the book is the protagonist's battle with Alzheimer's disease. She grapples with memory loss, confusion, and frustration as she struggles to hold onto her identity and memories. Her experiences shed light on the difficulties faced by people with Alzheimer's disease, as well as the emotional toll it can take on their loved ones.The book also touches on the topic of sexual abuse and its long-term impact on survivors. The protagonist's experience of sexual abuse shapes her relationship with intimacy and trust, and the effects of the trauma are felt throughout her life.The novel also explores the complexities of love and relationships, including the pain and guilt that come with infidelity. The protagonist's struggle to reconcile her feelings for a lover outside of her marriage is sensitively portrayed, highlighting the difficult choices people face in matters of the heart.Overall, "The Sum of All Parts" is a beautifully written and emotionally resonant novel that tackles several challenging and important themes. Sara Sheeran's skillful portrayal of the protagonist's life journey is both heart-wrenching and uplifting, making this book a must-read for anyone interested in exploring the complexities of the human experience.1 like 


4 star review on Goodreads by Ian, June 26 2023:This is a thought-provoking book, which I will read again as I want to go back and think again more carefully about the themes it explores. These are important and the perspectives feel authentic and frequently heart-breaking, not least because they are often understated in the way in which they are reported, especially through the lense of the child. The shifting points of view are compelling and the content is powerful, often dark and at times uncomfortable to read.A well-written book which I'd love to discuss with the author 

Article in Carlow Live

'I poured my soul into it' - Carlow writer celebrates publication of debut novel.

An article in Carlow Live by Mary Mcfadden onThe Sum of all Parts

Article in The Nationalist

'Sara's debut novel is a dream come true' by Elizabeth Lee.

Article in The Sidmouth Herald

'Debut novel by author with strong family links with Sidmouth'

Article by Philipa Davies

Article in The Sidmouth Herald newspaper and online edition

The Sidmouth Herald featured an article - both in print and online - on The Sum of all Parts:

"An author with strong connections with Sidmouth has published her debut novel, exploring ‘what it’s like to be a woman’."


This month saw Eason in Carlow, Ireland launch it's local author event. The event will involve local authors chatting about their work, their inspiration, in an informal and relaxed setting. Added bonus - it's free of charge!

Next month will be my turn to feature, so watch this space for more information or visit the Eason website or eventbrite. 

Interview on Beat Radio's Sunday Grill

An interview with Orla Rapple on Beat Radio's Sunday Grill, discussing my book The Sum of all Parts and the creative process

Paperback Details
  • 00/2023
  • 9781398485150
  • 200 pages
  • $£9.99
eBook Details
  • 00/2023
  • 9781398485167
  • 200 pages
  • $£3.50
