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Milan Gupta
The Sun Has Set My Friends
Milan Gupta, author
Joining his estranged father in a new city, Yash was starting freshman year alone. An introvert at heart, meeting new people was never easy. But within a few short months, things were looking up. Yash had a girl on his arm, and a new best friend. Rich, confident, a ladies’ man, Jay was everything that Yash was not, Batman to his Robin. Playing second fiddle to Jay came with its perks though, and they were soon inseparable. Brothers more than friends, they ruled during those heady days of college. Until they met Darby, an intense and independent young woman. Charting her own course for the sake of her autistic brother’s future, Darby was a no-nonsense girl who didn’t need distractions. Together, they formed an unlikely trio, each with a silent truth that would decide their fate. Four years of college go by in a flash, and then you move on. But what happens to the friends and lovers you leave behind?
