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Ebook Details
  • 02/2013
  • 978-1-4951-1101-3
  • 84 pages
  • $9.95
The Tale of Greedy Reeby
The Tale of Greedy Reeby is a fun read for toddlers on the topics of friendships, self - respect and self - esteem. The Tale of Greedy Reeby is about a little girl named Reeby who is charming and quite popular. It's the day of her birthday and she learns that she has to share the spotlight with another classmate. This makes Reeby very unhappy and unwilling to do so. In the end there will be a party, but the question is who will be there? Will Reeby still have a great birthday party? Or will it be a party for one? Find out what happens in The Tale Of Greedy Reeby
Ebook Details
  • 02/2013
  • 978-1-4951-1101-3
  • 84 pages
  • $9.95
