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Michael Lingaard
The Thoth Re-Alignment
The Thoth Re-Alignment ( The Girl Who Moved The Moon ) Synopsis Before history was imagined, before the first of days, the Bringers of Light crossed the stars with their Cohorts of their vast Horizon and discovered the planet of the third orbit. There, they uplifted the brightest of hominids with the addition of their own DNA and set the new humankind on the road to civilisation. \tWith vast artificial intelligence abilities and the resurrection facility of the Djed pillar, they were nearly immortal. Nearly. But there was rebellion within the ranks of the Bringers, for some wished to rule on the world below. In the war that followed the rebels were cast out, but before they perished, they created two weapons of hatred that would last to the end of time; weapons to destroy any new civilisation. One to rain asteroids down when the signals of technology on the third world could be seen, the other to infect the DNA of the new humankind with evil, to break the way of ethics and morality, of Ma’at, with hatred and dissent. \tPowerless, the visitors watched the asteroids almost destroy the world, so they re-built and then devised an ingenious defence system to protect their creation. They then encoded the sum of all their history and technology onto sheets of gold and set them into secret Libraries in the hope that one day humankind would attain the skills to find and read them and by doing so realise the genesis of its creation. For they knew the inexorable waves of time would overtake them and the civilisation they had created, that memories would fade. So, they encapsulated their personae into the vast AI structure of their Horizon and linked them tenuously to the Libraries. Then the Bringers of Light disappeared from the pages of history. But there was a caveat to the legacy of the Bringers; before the Library could be read, the last traces of genetic evil must be removed. Harry Wolfe, 34, is a British engineer who helped discover the lost Library of Thoth deep under the Sphynx. Alone in the looted ruins, he jokingly puts his face into a concave wall-carving of a human face, and his mind is grabbed and held — the AI unit exists — it has been waiting for such as he — Harry sees in his mind the shadowy figure of the Speaker of Memory, the voice of the memory of the Bringers. He’s terrified! Suddenly he is told he must tell the world that evil will be removed; the first of four purges will commence when the day/night terminator crosses the Sphynx in seven days. The Bringers had a way to turn off the errant genes — by removing life from the carriers. \tTrisha Hollingsworth is a thirty-four-year-old journalist who helps him, and as the first purge begins, they are sought by the anti-terror police; so they go on the run to avoid them. Paedophiles are the first to be taken, followed a week or so apart by the those who embrace the evils of brutal misogyny, the drugs underworld and finally those who order, endorse and commit murder. \tThe world is in chaos, societies collapse, governments fall. Tens of millions die. World in chaos. And everyone world-wide wants Harry Wolfe. Religions hate him because his words tell that the Bringers pre-dated everything and they created humankind, therefore pre-date religions. And God. \t Harry and Trisha struggled with why the sense of urgency from the Speaker of Memory to read the Library, and the answer came in the form of a stream of asteroids heading for Earth! The ancient machinery of revenge was still operational and had read the signals of humankinds’ endeavours, signals that were all that was needed for it to obey the will of its long-dead creators. Suddenly, the world is in mortal peril. Suddenly, everything would be lost when the strikes began. Humankind now faced extinction. Again. \tBut there is a defence, for the Bringers had created one; but there were two problems with that. The Horizon of Thoth was actually inside the Moon where the thirty Cohorts had unified into one Horizon. The other was that the protocols required to initiate the defence wouldn’t work; and as much as the AI tried to regenerate the protocols, they failed. Harry worked it out — he told the Speaker of Memory that it needed a real, live Bringer to actually sit in command and give the order. Agreed. But how do you get into the Horizon? The first asteroids are here, screaming through the atmosphere. Time is almost up. Then the revelation — he is told there is a portal that once allowed Bringers to descend to the world below — and it can be re-activated. And Harry knows where it is! He and Trisha race against time to get back to the Sphynx, because that’s where the portal is, built into the ancient stonework two hundred steps below the sands. Governments are terrified; the asteroids are one thing, but Harry has told them the defence involves moving the Moon! It’s a mass, impact defence that will position Earth’s satellite between the asteroids and their target. Dilemma! Stop Harry and face the asteroids, or move the Moon? Governments can’t make decisions at that speed — but two people can. Hounded no more, Harry Wolfe and Trisha Hollingsworth are now the most powerful people on the planet; they hold the key to survival, they hold the key of access to staggering levels of technology. But they are now the Gatekeepers to the Memory of humankind’s creators and, once it is saved, the world will have to sit back, pay attention to the words of the Library — and change. \tOr else.
