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Jana Guzman
The Thought Thinker is a Loner Girl: Teen Anxiety, Drug Use, and Existential Discontent
J. Guzmán, author
The Thought Thinker is a Loner Girl: Teen Anxiety, Drug Use, and Existential Discontent is the first book in the series On Being, a psychological, self-referential, metaphysical, diary case history, where the author J. Guzmán, as the protagonist Ana, psychoanalyzes herself throughout Time, uses astrology to facilitate the investigation, and documents the entire process. It is a life-long, archival data set of J. Guzmán's existence, chronicling the evolution of her consciousness in a first-person, self-reflective narrative. In volume one we meet Ana. She is an introverted, self-deprecating teen girl, trapped in a culture she despises – middle-class America’s suburbs and public schools. She examines her struggles with identity and mental health as she finishes high school and prepares to enter college and play on the women’s soccer team there. She describes an internal conflict omnipresent in adolescence, highlighting themes such as drug and alcohol use, existential despair, self-doubt, insecurity, and the formation of a personal philosophy and spirituality.
