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Greg Buck
The Trout Wail
Greg Buck, author
After narrowly escaping El Paso with her life, Molly Hund had nowhere else to go but home. Due to a deeply instilled corruption, there was no one else she could trust, except her brothers. Trailing Molly was a large relentless force funded by the EPA and led by her boss who was well-equipped and would stop at nothing to claim his pot of gold. Without many fond childhood memories, to Molly, home was just a place and her parents were just some people, but Grandpa Malaki had instilled some values in her and her brothers had made it a home. She realized that in the end, this was all that she had and hoped she didn’t bring too overwhelming of a fight home. With mercenaries knocking on the Hunds doorstep, not only would this threat completely eradicate an endangered species that was the beacon for clear cool water, but it also threatened their lives as well as their livelihood.
