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Hardcover Details
  • 04/2020
  • 978-1-7346-8381-3
  • 238 pages
  • $29.00
Mikah Ann
Author, Service Provider
The Truth Too
Mikah, author

Adult; Spirituality/Inspirational; (Market)

The pillar cloud cover photo was taken during a visitation on May 16, 2010. Are you surprised that the Holy Family still travels in a cloud? FULL COLOR PHOTOS OF THE SPIRIT REALM This holy Book builds on the foundation laid by the prophets and apostles, with our Redeemer and High Priest as the cornerstone and is an addendum to The Truth of the Kingdom. The purpose is to restore mankind to the true Kingdom gospel, the Eternal Law, and lifestyle known as The Way. The Book reveals false teachings and end-time prophecy and is a must read for spiritual leaders in all religions, so they can come out of the idolatry of false beliefs. There is not much time to prepare the Congregation to be saved on the Day of Wrath. A spoken Word to Mikah - May 08, 2011 The Books go against every denomination and religion. The Church of the Living God, back into one accord.
Hardcover Details
  • 04/2020
  • 978-1-7346-8381-3
  • 238 pages
  • $29.00
