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Paperback Book Details
  • 10/2023
  • 9798860710313
  • 156 pages
  • $8.95
Tamar Anolic
The Tunnel to Darkness and Light
Tamar Anolic, author
It is the near future, after another civil war has torn America apart. Frightened twelve-year-old Aiden Scott feels alone in the world. His mother is longer around and his angry father wants nothing to do with him. Then a group of neighborhood boys invites him through a secret tunnel to a fantasy world- Summerville, a tropical island where the weather is always nice and everything is perfect. Finally, Aiden starts to see the good around him. But when Summerville is threatened by violent mercenaries who block the tunnel home, Aiden and his friends must decide what is important to them. Can Aiden find the courage to save Summerville- and his friends’ lives?
Plot/Idea: 8 out of 10
Originality: 7 out of 10
Prose: 9 out of 10
Character/Execution: 8 out of 10
Overall: 8.00 out of 10


Plot/Idea: In a near-future America, a second civil war is barely over, and the living conditions are meager at best. Twelve-year-old Aiden Scott tries his best to navigate the changing environment, but his mother’s death during the war, his family’s financial instability, and his own painful insecurities all challenge his adjustment—until he connects with a group of unlikely friends who introduce him to a brilliant new world. In that magical place, despite the dangers that accompany it, Aiden comes into his own—and finally discovers the true meaning of belonging.

Prose: Anolic’s first-person narrative unfolds through Aiden’s eyes, allowing readers to build a deep connection with Aiden and experience the story’s events as he does. The central voice is strong, relatable, and carries the story.

Originality: Though they’re introduced briskly, and with minimal buildup, the story’s fantasy elements make Aiden’s journey all the more vivid and memorable. 

Character/Execution: Aiden’s transformation is sweet to watch—from fragile to brave, willing to risk his own life in the name of friendship. Supporting characters help spotlight Aiden’s coming-of-age reshaping and add entertainment to the plot.

Date Submitted: April 04, 2024

Paperback Book Details
  • 10/2023
  • 9798860710313
  • 156 pages
  • $8.95
