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Penn Fawn
The Underworld: The Fantasy Realms of Penn Fawn
Penn Fawn, author

The Underworld, The Fantasy Realms of Penn Fawn, 1st Edition, is a compilation of graphic art meant to introduce readers to the dark fantasy world and novels of the author, although those already familiar with his work may delight in seeing the characters they’ve read about for the first time.

The realms feature both the heroes, heroines, and villains, and the exotic places featured in his published novels, plus a couple of those that are yet to be released. Expect to find images of gargoyles, angels, plus other mythological figures and dark and exotic locales on the pages inside.

The publication is the size and length of a standard comic book. With just twenty-eight pages, it’s a concise companion guide for those who may be curious about the author’s other books, while simultaneously being a breeze to get through.


STUNNING! Having read the author's four books, from his "Necropolis" and "Underworld" series, I was keen to read this illustrated guide. It proved very helpful in keeping my head around which character was from which book as there are some overlaps. And it was also nice to read the easy explanation of their background and function outside of the narrative of the books.

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