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The Unfortunate Fortune Cookie Caper
Henrietta Cobb had it all! She was an award-winning Homicide Detective. She had met the love of her life Minnie Foo Yen, considered by many to be the most beautiful woman in Chinatown. Her best friend was also her partner of 14 years, Jake Winslow. There was only one fly in the ointment, Harry (as her friends called her), was an accident looking for a place to happen! In the field few could match her, the Precinct, (or most public buildings), however, was another story. After years of falling over or into, desks, chairs, file cabinets, and people, Harry made the decision to take early retirement. What might have been a difficult decision had been made easier after she accidentally shot her partner. True it had only been a flesh wound, but all she could think of was she could have killed her best friend and partner. Retirement wouldn't be so bad she thought. She could build a little box garden on their patio and grow some vegetables or flowers or something. The hell with that! she thought, and after weeks of deliberation and discussion with Minnie, Harry decided to open her own Detective Agency. Henrietta felt that she could be just as inscrutable, and her deductive and observation skills as good or maybe better than the famous Charlie Chan or the incredible Miss Marple! She just needed to stay in the field as much as possible and leave everything else to her right-hand manager, and some-time bodyguard, six-foot-four-inch, Moira Cathcart, a stunning beauty skilled in several forms of Jujitsu. Moira was being pursued by an equally tall and skilled, Wayne Hancock. A wealthy playboy, turned mail-clerk, turned Detective’s helper, in his efforts to win Moira’s hand. The Cobb Agencies cases were pretty standard. Tailing way-ward spouses stolen cars, stolen art, etc., all kept Harry out of the office most of days. The mundane came to a screeching halt, when Minnie and her father Franklin, owner of the Fortune Cookies Factory on the outskirts of Chinatown, both disappeared. More than one suspect emerged right away, Jimmy Choo Choo and Fat Ming, soldiers in a ruthless gang led by General Chin. Chin has set his cap not only on the beautiful Minnie but also on becoming the Dragon Lord of Little Fuzhou, a seat now held by the powerful and respected, Ming Po. Mr. Foo Yen has unknowingly accepted a loan from General Chin in order to purchase the factory. Chin in return, now uses threats to keep Foo Yen in his place has put members of his gang in positions throughout the factory. Their real job is to make sure Mr. Foo Yen never learns what is really going on his factory! The reason for Mr. Foo Yen's disappearance would soon be discovered in the Fortune Cookie Factory and rumor that General Chin wanted Minnie Foo Yen for himself, appears to true. Would they be able to find her before it was too late? It's a race against time, and time is running out! The rescue effort takes Harry through Brooklyn and Chinatown, and into secret caves beneath Little Fuzhou trying to stay ahead of General Chin and his minions. It re-introduces a lovable little rat named Bennie the Bouncer, whose indomitable spirit helps to save the day. As for Harry, she'd fallen for Minnie long before she fell over her first doorstep, and would do whatever it took to bring her and her father home safely!
