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Paperback Details
  • 04/2020
  • 9781716036439
  • 369 pages
  • $23
Josh Stephens
The Urban Mystique: Notes on California, Los Angeles, and Beyond
Josh Stephens grew up in Los Angeles knowing that it was a perfectly pleasant place, with enviable weather, an impressive natural environment, and Hollywood glamour. But, still, he wondered whether a great city shouldn't be something ...more. With a title inspired by Betty Friedan's account of life in the suburbs, The Urban Mystique is equal part lamentation and celebration. It collects some of Josh's work from the California Planning & Development Report and elsewhere, covering everything from the minutiae of setbacks, the impacts of transit investments, the promise of smart growth and sustainability, and the precariousness of urban politics in the 21st century.
Paperback Details
  • 04/2020
  • 9781716036439
  • 369 pages
  • $23
