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Jo Sisk-Purvis
The Watchers

Watchers’ eyes track a miles-distant bird.

Listeners’ ears hear a whisper a village away. ​

Knowers, extinct for 500 years, possessed telepathic powers straight out of a nightmare.

Alesea’s sole extraordinary trait is her musical talent. But when Watchers invade her tiny island on the night of her professional debut, she’s the only one who escapes—unwittingly using the powers of a Knower. Now, it’s up to her to save her people while coming to grips with her dangerous new identity, her pacifist beliefs, and only a traitor to help her.


"With its deft storytelling, colorful and polished writing, and immensely likable central character, THE WATCHERS by Jo Sisk-Purvis is a captivating opening chapter of a promising new fantasy adventure series."

Readers’ Favorite: Grant Leishman

Jo Sisk-Purvis weaves a fascinating journey into the fantasy world of The Watchers. As the series opener, it does what it should do; it leaves readers thirsting for more, wanting to know what comes next. I particularly appreciated the moral quandaries the protagonist faced; how to lead a revolution against the evil Paav when your life is dedicated to love, peace, and peaceful cooperation? I thoroughly enjoyed her constant internal conflict, balancing the powers she possesses with the ultimate desire never to harm anyone. Alesea is an appealing character. As a young woman, she not only has to deal with knowledge previously withheld from her but also the first bloom of love and competition for her attention from two men she cares about deeply. The world Sisk-Purvis has created contains many interesting facets, especially the history of the races, and I hope to learn more as the series continues. When I finish a book and instantly want to start the next in the series, I know the author has succeeded; this author has, and I can highly recommend The Watchers.

