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Marilynne Eichinger
The Water Factor: A Rightfully Mine Novel

The Water Factor plunges readers into a gripping eco-thriller set in a dystopian near-future of 2039, a world not so far removed from our own. Here, the scarcity of water drives a tale of struggle, resistance, and survival, mirroring our current global water crisis. At the heart of the story is James Hokama Byrne, a character who embarks on a daring mission to steal water trucks for his drought-stricken community. The plot involves readers in the manipulations and crimes of water cartels, drug lords, and utility companies that operate openly and with little oversight. The novel’s fusion of an urgent environmental theme with the classic elements of a thriller creates a compelling narrative that resonates with contemporary concerns about resource depletion and corporate greed. The Water Factor is a thought-provoking and timely novel. Its fusion of environmental issues with thrilling elements will appeal to readers who enjoy suspense novels that not only entertain but also inform and provoke reflection. I

Michael (Two-Feathers) Ray, Potowatami, Filmmaker and Storyteller

Though The Water Factor takes place 20 years in the future and the characters are fictitious, the story is occurring now and will open many eyes to the danger that is coming. Future big wars will not be over oil or land; they will be over water. Free, clean water is losing its place as a right of humankind. Across the globe, interna- tional corporations are getting control of water. Reading this book is like drinking a cool glass of water on a hot day.” 

Al DeSena, founding director of the CarnegieScience Center (Pittsburgh, PA) and

“What an accomplishment!! I’m impressed by the extensive amount of research, thought, and creativity put into this effort. The science and technical aspects seem to be accurate and well-presented. I like how you have integrated Western science approaches with in- digenous knowledge and practices.” 

Ben List. Critical Reading Editor. Former Social Media Manager, UK.

Your work is a captivating, confronting, thrilling piece, offering a memorable addition to the genre. Throughout the thrills and twists of the plot, the pace of its telling creates a consistent enthrallment from the reader. James’ personal connection to the plot draws the reader in before an intense and epic story unfurls. The authorial voice is transfixing, evoking not only a dystopian extrapolation of capitalism’s environmental devastation but also a respectful use of Native American culture, and each layer of the narrative further engrosses the reader. Supported by a nuanced cast and a highly topical narrative, ‘The Water Factor’ is undoubtedly a well-written and crafted novel worthy of attention.” 

Kirkus Review

Eichinger’s near-future dystopian eco-thriller explores a world with little water. The novel opens dramatically in 2039 with James Hokama Byrne leading a team to steal water trucks and take them to the Chekesuwand reservation, where his grandparents live. The underdog fighting to regain what is rightfully theirs and wreak revenge on wrongdoers is a time-honored thriller plot, and the novel gamely attempts to animate this storyline with the timely theme of water scarcity. Eichinger addresses a critical topic with the frame of an attention-grabbing plot.” 

