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E. Merwin
The Well to Tirnanog
E. Merwin, author

Young Adult; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Create)

On the west coast of Ireland 995 AD it is the eve of Samhain, the night that is the wedge between two worlds, prying open the mouth of the hollow hills when the spirits from the Other Side coming spilling out all over Ireland. But why should Svana fear the spirits when her own ancestors walk among them?
“There are those who walk abroad on Samhain whose souls you’d not want for traveling companions.” By the fire of the hermit’s hut the beginning of the Northman’s tale will soon become her own, forcing Svana far beyond her home on the strand and deep into the mythical past.
For the believers of folklore and fantasy alike, the tale of Dagda and Danu will strike a chord where the worlds of myth and reality reverberate, where all dimensions converge.

