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Hardcover Book Details
  • 07/2022
  • 9781990806018
  • 156 pages
  • $24.99
Paperback Book Details
  • 04/2022
  • 9781777768973 1777768977
  • 156 pages
  • $9.99
Priyanka Das
The Wishing Tree: An Adventure in Imagination Land

Middle Grade; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Market)

The Wasp has escaped! It has been a thousand years since the great hero, Cordelia, captured the Wasp. With his superpowers, the Wasp can exercise mind control over any unmagical creature on this planet.

EXCERPTS from the book
"....On the ground, carnivorous animals have surrounded them; and birds of prey are circling the tower, ready to attack.
All of their eyes are red, which is a sign that they are under the Wasp’s control.
The Wasp is coming!"


I can't believe this author is only 9, her story is very well written and a fun read. It's action packed, and it is fun getting to read something written by a kid because the writing is different! I want to encourage my own kids to write stories, and I don't think there is any better way than showing them what another child has done. Definitely a fun read for adults and children alike.

Hardcover Book Details
  • 07/2022
  • 9781990806018
  • 156 pages
  • $24.99
Paperback Book Details
  • 04/2022
  • 9781777768973 1777768977
  • 156 pages
  • $9.99
