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Hardcover Book Details
  • 12/2022
  • 9781732973534
  • 802 pages
  • $34.95
The Wizard Clip Haunting

Adult; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Market)

When America was young, reckless, and fiercely independent, an equally independent farmer and a renegade Catholic priest struggle to accept each other, but eventually join forces to confront an ancient Babylon spirit who threatens their safety and the country’s freedom. Narrated by historic personality, Fr. (Prince) Demetrius Augustine Gallitzin, who investigated the original events, the story is not one but four, woven into a colorful tapestry of historical characters who enrich the dramatic celebration of traditional American values and themes.

Available in Hardback, Paperback, PDF, Kindle, and other digital formats.

A. Miranda

I’m half-way through your book and can’t wait to see what happens next. Historical fiction is my absolute favorite genre. Adding in the screwtape-style correspondence makes it even more of a page-turner.

B. Mealer

The Wizard Clip Haunting is a wonderful historical horror novel dealing with religion, the devil and his demons and a group of people who are interesting characters in a story I wasn’t quite expecting. Yes it is a horror story with the devil and demons playing their part at trying to deceive and rid the world of those who are good. The pull of good and evil with guardians and demons is as old as religion and one that most never tire of reading or hearing. I’m one where good needs to win, and it does here, but how it happens is interesting and the ending ties all the different characters together in what was happening and needed to be done to set things right. Even if you are not religious, this book based in religion is well worth the time to read just for the characters, the suspense of what will happen next, and how it will all be resolved.

J. Wiitala

A colossus of historical fiction. The reader is given a glimpse of New World pragmatism shredded by otherworldly forces it denies, and the Ancient Faith sweeping in to rescue surprised saints.

K. McCormack (reader)

I’m captivated by The Wizard Clip Haunting as it combines the best of both worlds. It accurately shares the known facts of the Wizard Clip with exciting fiction of what may have been. From the very beginning the characters sprung to life. I laughed, celebrated and mourned with the characters. I was there with them, and I cried when...(spoiler)...I think every waking moment will be spent read- ing this. A riveting novel. (K.M.)

M. Rochon

This is the first “modern” story (meaning written after 1950) that I had read in ages that I actually wanted to finish. The storyline is fascinating, the changing point of view adds intrigue, the writing is very good, with excellent pacing that compels one to continue reading. And it does this without the use of Hardy Boy cliffhangers.

Hardcover Book Details
  • 12/2022
  • 9781732973534
  • 802 pages
  • $34.95
