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J. R. Camelback
THE WUHAN PUZZLE -Book 2 Prometheus Foster series

Adult; Mystery/Thriller

Like the first book of this series, the second book of the Prometheus Foster series THE WUHAN PUZZLE. is an international crime espionage thriller with a political intrigue. Investigative reporter Prometheus Foster and his sleuthing partner Smarty Jason, a recurring character from the series, find warning the world about the likelihood of a global pandemic turns into a matter of life and death for those they love. On assignment in Hong Kong, Marcy Foster, the woman Prometheus loves more than himself, is in the early stages of a precarious pregnancy. with twins. The producer of her documentary sacrifices his life for hers when the Peoples Republic of China activists attempt to kidnap them fails. She manages to escape but nobody knows where she is. The man Smarty loves, an American journalist on assignment in Hong Kong, becomes an unwilling hostage to the reunification activists when he attempts to find her. For Prometheus Foster and investigative pal Smarty Jason, it's a cliff hanger desperate situation when they attempt to make a ransom deal for those they love.
