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Thoughts of an Unlikely Messenger
Carl Burton , author
When I was young, I asked God if he existed and he answered. When I became a man, I asked God for the truth. What he showed me made me look at life, history, and what’s going on in the world differently. I saw how beautiful life could be but how an organized plan of control and conspiracies has robbed us of life. Conspiracies those in power have put in place for the agenda of creating a New World Order. In order to save the world, we must all have an opportunity to hear the truth about this world. We must all pick a side, good or evil. I believe the seven seals and the warnings the Bible speaks of are giving us signs of our end if we can’t change. My goal for this book is to give you so much truth that it makes you question everything, it makes you see life differently, and it makes you look at your own life so hard you question why you are the way you are. My ultimate goal for this book is to bring change. To set the world free from the slavery and control those in power have put on us. Growing up in the streets of Detroit, I realized the world is only going to get worse and not better, unless we learn something different, unless we teach something different. Only then can we begin to change and become more. Only then can we know love, be happy, and be free.
