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Ebook Details
  • 12/2016
  • 1540695662 B01MSW2FOL
  • 372 pages
  • $4.14
Paperback Details
  • 12/2016
  • 1540695662
  • 372 pages
  • $15.95
Denise Deegan
Through The Barricades

'Make a difference in the world,' are the last words Maggie Gilligan's father ever says to her. They form a legacy that she carries in her heart, years later when, at the age of fifteen, she tries to better the lives of Dublin's largely forgotten poor. 'Don't go getting distracted, now,' is what Daniel Healy's father says to him after seeing him talking to the same Maggie Gilligan. Daniel is more than distracted. He is intrigued. Never has he met anyone as dismissive, argumentative... as downright infuriating. A dare from Maggie is all it takes. Daniel volunteers at a food kitchen. There, his eyes are opened to the plight of the poor. It is 1913 and Dublin's striking workers have been locked out of their jobs. Their families are going hungry. Daniel and Maggie do what they can. Soon, however, Maggie realizes that the only way to make a difference is to take up arms. The story of Maggie and Daniel is one of friendship, love, war and revolution, of two people who are prepared to sacrifice their lives: Maggie for her country, Daniel for Maggie. Their mutual sacrifices put them on opposite sides of a revolution. Can their love survive?

Deegan (the Butterfly Novels series) thoughtfully examines a potent time in Ireland’s past in a novel that received the SCBWI Spark Award, which recognizes excellence in children’s books published through nontraditional means. Before Maggie Gilligan’s father died, he told her to “make a difference in the world.” The year 1913 finds 15-year-old Maggie volunteering in soup kitchens to support striking workers, though she longs to do more. Daniel Healy, the privileged son of a lawyer, knows nothing about the plight of the poor. That changes when the two meet and Daniel learns how British rule has held Ireland back. As WWI begins, Daniel and Maggie’s friendship turns romantic just as he signs up to fight. Back home, Maggie joins a rebel organization and hopes to participate in what will become known as the Easter Rising. Maggie and Daniel are well-developed characters with evident chemistry, and their relationship will hold readers’ attention as they both work to reconcile their beliefs with their feelings for each other. It’s an engrossing portrait of a chapter of Irish history that may be new to many readers. Ages 14–up. (BookLife)
Hazel Gaynor, New York Times bestselling author


Denise Deegan captures all the emotion and drama of Ireland during the rebellion, and a world at war. In her characters, Maggie and Daniel, she authentically portrays the struggles and decisions faced by young men and women during this period of history. A thoroughly compelling book which I enjoyed immensely. 




Winner of the 2017 SCBWI SPARK Award

Through the Barricades wins the 2017 SCBWI SPARK Award

Ebook Details
  • 12/2016
  • 1540695662 B01MSW2FOL
  • 372 pages
  • $4.14
Paperback Details
  • 12/2016
  • 1540695662
  • 372 pages
  • $15.95
