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Forrest Wright
Time For Wonderlust: Planning Your Retirement Renaissance

Adult; Business & Personal Finance; (Publish)

Finally—In Retirement, You’ll Have Time to Wake Up Your Brain to the World of Ideas! Goodbye to the work world and hello, leisure! What are you going to do with all your new free time? Try engaging your “wonderlust(TM)”—your innate curiosity and desire to know the world…and to know yourself. Isn’t it time you entered the world of great thinkers and powerful ideas? The book you’re holding is unlike any other retirement book you’ve ever seen. Yes, it gives you a path to financial freedom and comfort. But it goes far beyond. It might be the first book to really look at your potential for greatness in retirement—something you can think of as the best accomplishment of your life. Time for Wonderlust walks you through three stages:

  1. How to save enough for real retirement and never have to work again—say goodbye to the stress and worry that plagues so many retirees 
  2. How to appreciate real leisure and never be bored by not having a job
  3. How to harness that leisure to find the true meaning in your life

“Forrest’s philosophical approach to life provides insight into the important process of setting meaningful goals early in life. In this day and age of rapid change and many career changes, his ideas about establishing financial freedom are even more relevant today than they were when he was a practitioner. He views retirement as an entry into a time of unrestricted personal achievement. Preparing for this event requires acquiring the appropriate mindset as well as accumulating the financial resources needed to support a comfortable retirement.” -Martha Kapouch, NAPFA Fee-Only Financial Planner

Forrest Wright, CFP is a retired Certified Financial Planner with extensive experience in retirement planning. He has an MBA from the Wharton School of Business (University of Pennsylvania) and has been profiled in the New York Times, Financial Analysts Journal, Newsday and other national publications.

