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Katarzyna Adamus
To outwit the fate
K. E. Adamus, author
From a poor wretch to a wealthy former prisoner. Matt desires a normal life - completing his studies and working in a corporation. Fate has something completely different in store for him. What would you do in such situation: as a young student you are struck by a series of unfortunate events and turn to an elderly woman for sponsorship.Suddenly she got murdered. You would probably call the police, don't you? Matt does something different and resorts to a dangerous ploy to keep her pension. His only ally in these surreal events is a female student suffering from mythomania. Together they try to solve a mystery, and become independent adults. This gripping tale of deception and survival promises to take you on a thrilling ride.Entangled in bizarre situations, Matt surprisingly ends up in prison, where, oddly enough, he becomes rich.
