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To Steal A Moment's Time
G. J. Berger, author
"I’ve decided to write it down. Later, when he is a grown man and I might have the fortune to still be alive, I will no longer remember one thing or another. I will, therefore, whenever I am able to steal a moment's time, record what is happening with us and around us while he is becoming accustomed to life—to this life which seems to offer little more than death." -Katharina Berger On the brink of World War II, Katharina Berger was the most sought-after stage and film actress in Germany. As many of her colleagues fled Hitler’s madness and the devastation of war, Katharina stayed and gave birth to a healthy baby boy in 1944. From evading Nazi fanatics and helping Jews escape, to scrounging for food and shelter as she searched for her missing husband, she journaled during her son’s first year of life, surviving on the small thread of hope that she and her child might live to see a better world. A compilation of remarkable diaries penned by a new mother, To Steal a Moment’s Time is a powerful memoir that highlights the unique perspective of German citizen Katharina Berger during the throes of a war she never agreed with.
