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Luke Watkins
Trevor Sells Meth
Luke Watkins, author
Most drug dealers make less money than your average unskilled worker; however, there is a common misconception that everyone in the industry is regularly raking in the profits. Trevor Sells Meth, follows the Australian protagonist’s life after his birth at a Brisbane hospital in 1981. The majority of the novel is set throughout the nineties, and it reads like a work of fiction even though everything between these pages actually happened. It explores the reasons why certain children are more likely to become involved with crime, as well as the spiralling consequences of living with a mental illness. Dive into a world of juvenile delinquency and true crimes that involved bank robbers, safe crackers, skinheads, gang members, strippers, bikies, hitmen, and junkies. Unusual sexual situations, along with sheets of acid, live amongst the unrestrained words.
