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Robert E. Kearns
U.S.S. Tenacity

Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Market)

With his parents and sister, Lizzy, whom he adores, Robbie Larkin grows up in a working-class Waterford home. Then he breaks the news that for a better life he's emigrating to America. By letter, he stays in touch, regaling everyone with his adventures in New York and then Detroit. But then the second world war breaks out, and Robbie enlists in the navy. After basic training, he's assigned to the U.S.S. Tenacity, a brand-new vessel built in the shipyards of the eastern seaboard. Straight away, like the men who built her, Robbie senses that something is not right the with the Tenacity. With powerful imagery and his stylish, lyrical prose, Robert E. Kearns delivers a sensational ghost story that is certain to leave a long-lasting impression.
Readers' Favorite

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

U.S.S. Tenacity by Robert E. Kearns is a paranormal historical tale about a haunted ship. Robert Larkin senior had a beautiful family and loved his life. Unfortunately, he was destined to lose everything he loved under mysterious circumstances. It all started when his son Robert junior (Robbie) was assigned to serve on the U.S.S. Tenacity during World War II. Robbie immediately realized that the ship had a life of its own and was killing crew members as sacrifices. Everyone thought that it was just superstition and ignored all the warning signs. Robbie began to believe that he was simply losing his mind and overthinking. After receiving a letter from his little sister, Lizzy, requesting a souvenir, Robbie sends his family a present that causes havoc.

U.S.S. Tenacity is a spooky story that left me scratching my head. I was intrigued from the first page. Robert E. Kearns is a gifted writer because he made me question my sanity. The logical part of my brain was telling me that everything was a coincidence, but a superstitious voice in my head was persuading me that the ship was haunted. I loved the mystery of it all. I recommend you read this book and draw your own conclusions. I enjoyed learning about the 1940s lifestyle, culture, the war, and how it affected families. The author gave perfect descriptions of the era and created fascinating characters. By adding a few factual details he made the story feel authentic, making it a must-read for lovers of realistic fiction. A great story.

