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Katharine Valentino
Service Provider
Ummie Tink

“Ummie Tink” was originally a chapter in a 1913 children’s book titled The Cheer Chirpers by Joshua Freeman Crowell. This new version of the story has been illustrated and edited to make it more understandable to children five generations removed from those who first delighted in its rhyme and rhythm.

The editor of this new version first heard the original in 1947. She was four years old, perched on Gramma’s lap and tracing the words in the book as Gramma read them. By the second grade, she was taking the book with her to read to her classmates on show-and-tell days. The kids would grin at the very notion of a friendly wasp and a wasp mother named Honora Fedora Zippora. Grins would turn to giggles when Tink’s new baby brothers and sisters get their names. (Say the following line aloud. Start softly. Get louder. End with a shout)

“Nora, Ora, Dora, Pora, Ho-Ho, Fedo, Zippo, a-n-d RA RA RA!”

There are no heavy topics in this book. Ummie Tink leaves his nest seeking adventure, finds a little more than he’s prepared for, acquires courage, learns how to cope without stinging the gentle creatures he encounters, and finally finds his way home again to be with his family. The story is that simple–and that heartwarming! I hope you enjoy it. I know your child will.

By the way, book illustrations are new in this version. They are in color but are also included in black-and-white in a final coloring book section ready to print.

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