Under The Mango Tree
Chris Field, author
This children’s book is the true story of Mercy Project’s innovative process of partnering with fishing villages who own trafficked children and of walking alongside people who need help rather than offering quick fixes or band-aids. It’s written in a way that will spark meaningful conversation between parents and children and encourage young ones (and their parents!) to use their lives to make a difference.
The catalyst for this book was simple. We’ve had the chance to tell the story of the trafficked children in Ghana to thousands of adults. A big part of that story includes our encouragement for people of all ages to make a difference, to act boldly when they see injustices, and to believe that ordinary people can change the world. As we’ve told this story to adults, many responded with two common questions: “How can I teach my kids about this important issue without frightening them?” and “How can I raise children who are inspired and empowered to make a difference in the world?” This book is our response to those important questions.
We believe deeply in the message of this book and are certain it will be different than any of the other books on your child’s bookshelf. Not only will it help your child to become more globally minded but it will also introduce local words from the most popular dialect in Ghana and includes meaningful discussion questions for parents and children to talk about together.
This is not merely a story–it’s an invitation for your child to begin dreaming and planning for how they can use their gifts and life to make the world a better place.
$5 from every book purchased will go directly back to Mercy Project to help continue their work for freedom in Ghana. Mercy Project’s mission is to rescue children from slavery. They partner with families and communities trapped in the cycle of poverty, empowering them with sustainable economic solutions in order to free children from forced labor. Over the last 4 years, Mercy Project has rescued, rehabilitated, and reintegrated 46 children from forced labor. All of those children are now back home and attending school.