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Julian Demarco
Understanding Childhood Trauma & How To Let Go; 11 Effective Tools You Need To Heal (From a Fellow Survivor)

Young Adult; Self-Help, Sex & Relationships, Psychology, Philosophy, Fashion; (Market)

The author is a survivor of child sexual abuse and adult domestic violence that caused complex PTSD, depression, and anxiety symptoms. The outlook on life was that this was how life was going to be after failed therapies. It was only after discovering techniques from NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) where relief was found and, due to the excitement, sought out training to become certified to help others.
Demarco debuts with a heartfelt exploration of trauma and the myriad ways to heal from it. By encouraging readers to accept their pasts and not allow them to define the future, Demarco, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and adult domestic violence, insists that trauma victims can “create the kind of life you have always dreamed of living.” The author evaluates three different types of trauma–acute, chronic, and complex–and common reactions to them, such as avoiding people and situations, as well as what those reactions may convey to others. Demarco dedicates ample time to outlining the potential benefits of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) treatments, while also offering a breakdown of complementary therapies.

Demarco’s openness will resonate with trauma victims, particularly in the recounting of past sexual abuse and the dangerous relationships that stemmed from early trauma experiences. He offers the sage advice “just because I had left the abusive environment didn’t necessarily mean the record of abuse had been cleared from my mind.” Though the bulk of the guide addresses specific therapies and exercises for recovery, Demarco makes it digestible even for entry level readers by offering clear examples and breaking more complex topics into easy-to-follow steps. Among the tools offered to readers: an NLP-inspired activity to decrease anxiety, a helpful walk-through of mindfulness meditation, and a deconstruction of the “Swish Pattern” technique to replace challenging emotions related to past trauma experiences.

Clinical professionals will appreciate the boots-on-the-ground analysis of treatment options, while more casual readers will welcome the empowering messages, like the recommendations to “let go of the belief that perfection equals happiness” and to open up to significant others about their roles in the healing process. The overarching insight that trauma recovery must be individualized, with no set timetable for healing, pairs nicely with Demarco’s goal to help readers “reclaim control” over their thoughts. The end result is as informative as well as inspiring.

Takeaway: A brief analysis of trauma and its aftereffects, with a thorough breakdown of progressive therapies for recovery.

Great for fans of: Janina Fisher’s Transforming the Living Legacy of Trauma, Shlomo Vaknin’s NLP Start Here.

Production grades
Cover: B+
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: C

