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Charlene Williams
Unexpected Places

Adult; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Market)

Find out what happens when ordinary people experience the extraordinary and come face to face with things they never thought they'd believe in. In her debut work, Charlene Williams mixes life, drama and facing truth with a touch of the supernatural in these six suspenseful stories.
Amazon Reviews

Charlene Williams’s short stories are set in ordinary places—an airplane, a park, a living room, or a bar. The characters, too, don’t seem particularly remarkable until the author brings them to life by revealing their hopes, fears, and regrets. Extraordinary events occur, some of them supernatural and paranormal. The stories might also be considered short morality tales with flashes of self-realization as the various protagonists change for the better or face the truth about themselves and the people in their lives. All in all, the stories are haunting and memorable.

Amazon Reviews

Unexpected Places is a collection of short ghost stories that have underlying messages, from heart-warming to redemption. The stories are fast moving, entertaining, suspenseful, and have that eerie feeling comes with good ghost stories. Once I started, I couldn’t stop. The stories weave together lives centered on separate themes, but all with ghostly context. While not scary as many ghost stories try to be, these stories have twists and turns while they take you to a destination that offers you a message and something to think about.

