Plot/Idea: This intriguing and multi-faceted anthology highlights voices from women of Asian descent on the topic of the supernatural, including ghosts, spirits, shapeshifters, and more. Essays reflect on the role of mythology, urban myths, and folklore in shaping or being shaped by Asian identity.
Prose: While writing styles may differ, each contribution features quality, instantly engaging prose, detailed and at times academic, but consistently clear and inviting. Entries combine personal stories with lore passed down through generations, ultimately offering an appealing blend of insight and familial history.
Originality: This work offers a deep dive into an uncommon subject. Lovers of horror and the supernatural and cultural anthropologists alike will find these essays to be illuminating, while their subject matter will inspire greater study and fascination.
Character/Execution: The contributors offer intimate stories drawn from a wellspring of experience, but remain faithful to their shared subject matter. These stirring and beautifully articulated essays will leave a lasting impression on readers, as will, from hungry ghosts to "tumor-covered ghosts with long curling tongues that lap at their own pus," the spirits and creatures examined therein.
Date Submitted: January 20, 2024