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Mimika Cooney
Unstick Your Mind
Do you question why you have negative thoughts? Every problem in life starts with a thought. Often we get stuck in perpetual cycles of bad thought patterns that cause us to repeat behaviors, over and over again. Discover what elite athletes, CEO's and high achievers do to unlock their full potential. Once you learn how to shift your mindset and develop grit, you will be positioned to break through any barrier holding you back!
In this mind-adjusting second entry in her Mindset series, Cooney (author of Unlock the Mind of a Champion) centers faith, training negative thoughts, and habit building as essential tools to mastering just what the title suggests—one’s own mindset, which, Cooney argues, always “is going to drive your life.” Cooney makes the case that the only way to fix problems or negative feelings is to be aware of them, and that “avoiding, denying, and struggling” them means “the entire world passes you by, and nothing changes.” To that end, she shares a wealth of advice, data, and personal anecdotes, delving into the ways in which a negative mindset can derail progress, confidence, and growth through mental self-sabotage like "boomerang thoughts" and "limiting beliefs.” Unstick Your Mind is a resource guide on how to shift your mindset, stay positive, and succeed in life, whether one is “an entrepreneur, a professional, or a stay-at-home mother.”

With an approachable tone, clear action steps, and an emphasis on neuroscience, positive reinforcement, and the “alive and active” power of “God’s Word,” Cooney explores the ways in which readers can shift their mindsets through building healthy thought patterns and "go[ing] to God" when feeling oppressed. Unstick Your Mind implores anyone who feels stuck to allow themselves time, forgiveness, and grace to free themselves from their "stuck" story or past traumas, but also to dive deep into the healing process of letting go of past hurts that trigger negative thoughts or responses.

With ample self-reflection exercises, insight into how the brain works, and clarifying considerations of the difference between emotional and mental health, Cooney demystifies tangled thought processes and lays out a practical rebooting process for the brain. Readers of faith seeking motivation and the chance to get out of their own ways will especially respond to this compact, flexible guide to preparing “to do the work of getting unstuck.”

Takeaway: Potent, practical motivational guide blending faith and neuroscience.

Comparable Titles: Jackie Beere's Grow, James Clear's Atomic Habits.

Production grades
Cover: A-
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

