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An ancient enemy threatens Atlantis… For twelve years, Gal has nursed a burning desire for revenge. As the anniversary of his mother's death approaches, he leaves Atlantis, determined to track down Zale, the ruthless shark shapeshifter who robbed his mother’s life. But as he sets sail on his dangerous quest, he discovers his two closest friends have stowed away on his vessel. It’s too late to turn back now. Their pursuit of the elusive selachii propels them to the unforgiving Antarctic, where a brutal storm threatens to drown them. Gal's reclusive grandfather comes to their rescue, regaling them with stories of his parents’ epic love and unveiling hidden family secrets. Yet, Gal is convinced that love is a treacherous path, one he dares not tread for fear of the pain it may bring. Locked in a battle with his own emotions, Gal’s quest leads him to distant horizons in pursuit of his nemesis. But only by trusting in the unbreakable bonds of friendship can he unlock the secrets of a magical ice flute and unearth the lost trident of Atlantis—the sole weapon capable of ending Zale's reign of terror. Caught between revenge and an unexpected love, Gal faces an impossible choice. Will he give up vengeance for the chance at love, or will he dive headfirst into the abyss of retribution?
Plot/Idea: 9 out of 10
Originality: 8 out of 10
Prose: 9 out of 10
Character/Execution: 9 out of 10
Overall: 8.75 out of 10


Plot/Idea: Vendetta is a fast paced fantasy romance thriller set at sea with plenty of twists to keep the reader guessing. Steeped in fantasy lore, Noelle's fresh and consistently gripping take on nautical drama has an adventurous spirit that is difficult to ignore.

Prose: Noelle's text is a startling mix of revenge thriller and enduring love story with a great use of poetic language that catapults it to another level. It is a tense, involving and fantastical read that truly comes alive in the stormy sea sections.

Originality: Vendetta is a compelling story packed with romance, revenge, love, magic and adventure. An entertaining read for young adults and a worthy addition to Noelle's Mermaid Chronicles series.

Character/Execution: Vendetta is an enchanting fantasy romance which centers on the cattle between mermaids and shapeshifting sharks. The characters are well-constructed and the stretches of sharp and dynamic dialogue are often a joy to read.

Blurb: A tense and thrilling nautical drama.


Date Submitted: April 16, 2024

