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Paperback Book Details
  • 04/2006
  • 9780752435879 0752435876
  • 176 pages
  • $34.95
John Thor Ewing
Author, Illustrator, Translator, Editor (anthology)
Viking Clothing
Thor Ewing, author
The Vikings had a surprising reputation for neatness, and their fashions were copied far beyond the realms of Scandinavia. Those who could displayed a love of fine clothes made from silks, from lightweight worsteds in subtly woven twills, and from the finest of linens. They wore short hair, and their beards were carefully trimmed. This accessible new book is the first to tackle the question of what the Vikings wore, drawing on evidence from art and archaeology, literature and linguistics to arrive at a fresh understanding of the nature of Viking clothing, covering rich and poor, men and women across Scandinavia.
Paperback Book Details
  • 04/2006
  • 9780752435879 0752435876
  • 176 pages
  • $34.95
