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Paperback Book Details
  • 08/2021
  • 9781639880454
  • 206 pages
  • $18.24
Andrew H. Housley
Waiting Impatiently

Adult; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Market)

Here’s a gritty story of a man’s spiritual metamorphosis. As the world begins to shut down in the face of a pandemic, Ian — a well-worn yoga teacher and Zen student — wavers as he stands at the precipice of his life, attempting to accept the gift of self-examination while burying the pieces of his painful past. In Waiting Impatiently by Andrew H. Housley, we experience the birth and process of self-transformation found through the catalyst of sorrow and lost love. Through Ian’s journey, we are offered the uniquely poignant perspective of a man’s internal struggle with Self. In a desperate moment, he arrives at the Monastery, a place where time stands still. Here, he finds solace to soothe his soul and to meditate on the Zen riddle, “can you manifest your true nature while staring at the pieces of your broken heart?”
Independent Book Review

Andrew Housley’s Waiting Impatiently is a hero’s journey. But this time, our hero doesn’t battle dragons or go off on a quest to save a princess in a far distant land. This journey comes on a spiritual level; it’s one of self-transformation. People might not want to change, but life has a way of inspiring it.

The leading character in this spiritual journey is Ian, a yoga teacher. People will assume guys like Ian have it all figured out. They believe he lives in a lovely house and makes good money stretching all day in a yoga studio. In reality, it doesn’t work like that. To him, he isn’t living the good life.


Ian is suffering from a long overdue heartbreak he can’t let go of. He lives in a crummy area with a roommate who enjoys inviting women for his illicit affairs. Ian’s yoga students are not in yoga for the spiritual value. To them, it’s all about looking hot doing downward dog in the latest Lululemon attire.


But a pandemic soon changes the way Ian lives. He begins to wonder where his life is going. He becomes aware of his surroundings, his relationships, and his sense of self. Ian doesn’t like facing his past or anything associated with his deeper problems. Situations keep showing up, forcing Ian to face the music and transform his entire life.


Housley’s prose flows on the page like a gentle stream; invites you to get in touch with your own thoughts and feelings. Waiting Impatiently is thoughtful, raw, and downright engaging.

Housley makes you wonder about spirituality. Is it praying to God that’s spiritual, or is it meditating in front of a Buddha statue for three hours? It doesn’t seem like it’s about strutting around as a Lululemon model. Is it? This novel is an opportunity for readers to connect with their true selves, their spirit. And it doesn’t have to be tied to any religion.

At the beginning of Ian’s story, Ian is tied to Buddhism on a surface level. But he is barely in touch with his spirit. He has to reflect on his heavy-hearted past to become one with his spirit again.


The pandemic can be a difficult setting piece to pull off, but Waiting Impatiently does a wonderful and genuine job with it. This situation has brought out millions of mixed emotions: fear, anxiety, anger, and for some, slivers of peace. The virus has changed billions of lives. Who knows which journey Ian would be on if this didn’t come along?


The biggest lesson from Waiting Impatiently is that change is natural. People are a part of nature, and it changes in a blink of an eye. It grows, blooms, dies, and repeats the cycle all over again. Ian has to let go of what is no longer serving him to become a stronger, freer person during his emotional transformation.

Waiting Impatiently is a must-read for those who love to read spiritual books like Robin Sharma’s The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari and Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist. Andrew Housley’s words are mesmerizing in their quietness. I don’t want Ian’s story to stop as a reader, but I’m pleased he can get closer to peace, as we all can.

Readers' Favorite

Waiting Impatiently by Andrew H. Housley is a moving tale about a man's spiritual awakening after a series of increasingly distressing events leave his life in disarray. A global pandemic is wreaking havoc amongst the general populace. Ian, a yoga teacher, contemplates past memories of his life while unwittingly listening to his hedonistic landlord, Mike, having sexual relations with prostitutes due to the paper-thin walls of his room. Heartbroken and alone, Ian finds the only outlet to release his pent-up negative energy is teaching yoga to his loyal students. As the relationship with the love of his life sours further, Ian's life slowly spirals out of control, and he finds himself becoming more lost than ever. However, at the lowest point of his life, unexpected help from a friend helps him find his way. Author Andrew H. Housley takes you on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening that leaves you with a lot to ponder. An introspective look at a man suffering from depression and anxiety, Waiting Impatiently is a thoughtful exploration of the way loneliness tends to eat away your soul. This is slow-burn storytelling at its finest as the book takes an in-depth approach to study the human condition. The characters seamlessly blend into the story, but their primary goal seems to be to prod the plot forward and explore the themes that the narrative is interested in. I enjoyed the dynamic between Ian, Asha, and Ziya but wished the relationship between Ian and Nicole would've been explored further. If you love intimate slice-of-life stories, Waiting Impatiently is the book for you.

Paperback Book Details
  • 08/2021
  • 9781639880454
  • 206 pages
  • $18.24
