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Wall Street's Grand Deception: Why Your Financial Advisor Might be Hazardous to Your Wealth and What You Can Do About It
Financial industry veteran Norman Pappous wants to pull back the curtain on how wealth management firms actually work. An insider's account of Wall Street's billion-dollar marketing-machine scams, Wall Street's Grand Deception will arm you with the knowledge to spot high-quality portfolio advice and avoid falling for the fake narratives of Wall Street's marketing machine. You'll discover: How firms evaluate their financial advisors' performances, beginning with sales quotas. Examples of how Wall Street marketing deceives rather than informs, like distorting the results of famous academic studies. Why you shouldn't trust the portfolio performance reports generated by your financial advisor. Surprising secrets about financial advisor media rankings and search services. Why having your financial advisor act as a fiduciary does not actually eliminate conflicts of interest. Until now, investors haven't been able to answer the question "Is my financial advisor's investment advice worth the fees?"
