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Ebook Details
  • 11/2023
  • 1-7379917-6-2 B0CK57LZJ2
  • 370 pages
  • $4.99
Gail Grant Park
We Are Shadows: An Irish Ghost Story

Adult; Mystery/Thriller; (Publish)

Moira Gallagher has been conversing with ghosts since she was five. Now as an adult, she’s finally putting that ability to good use. Moira’s ability to talk with the dead gives her detective agency, Gallagher Investigations, an edge in uncovering secrets the past has buried. With the help of her sisters, Nuala and Deirdre, she assists those unsettled spirits in finding peace by righting the wrongs done to them before they found themselves on the Other Side. The past collides with the present as these Irish sisters solve cold-case murders and mayhem through their dreams, paranormal visitations, and spunk. If you enjoy a cozy mystery, ghosts of the friendly and not-so-friendly variety, or anything Irish, you’ll love We Are Shadows.
Plot/Idea: 9 out of 10
Originality: 8 out of 10
Prose: 10 out of 10
Character/Execution: 8 out of 10
Overall: 8.75 out of 10


Plot/Idea: Moira Gallagher and her sisters have formed an unusual detective agency, thanks to Moira’s ability to converse with the dead. Moira uses that skill to solve mysteries from the beyond and the present, drawing on the clues given to her by the departed souls who visit her to string clues together. Park makes the sisters’ Irish heritage pulse throughout the novel, giving their crime-solving pursuits heightened appeal.

Prose: Park writes clear, strong prose that establishes a vivid setting for the novel, interlacing the past and present with ease. Suspense is crafted naturally and smoothly, allowing readers to experience the increased tension as the characters do. 

Originality: The combination of mystery and historical context makes We Are Shadows both a gripping read and a dramatic testament to the power of family and perseverance. Park resolves the central mystery in a satisfying way, with an ending that will please mystery fans.

Character/Execution: Moira’s conversations with ghosts are intriguing and entertaining, and she makes a strong female lead who is resolved to do what’s right. Her family interactions—both with ancestors who have died and with her living sisters—add support to the plot and a sense of closeness to the story.

Date Submitted: April 01, 2024

Readers' Favorite Book Reviews

Reviewed by Nino Lobiladze for Readers’ Favorite

Moira Gallagher was five years old when a car accident took the life of her best friend, Julia. Moira didn't mourn the loss, puzzling her parents. Julia's ghost appeared before her almost immediately after the accident. Since then, Moira has been experiencing frequent visits from the spirits of the departed. Moira and her sister, Deirdre, run Gallagher Investigations, using Moira's abilities to help grieving people and lost souls. The sisters received a letter from Séan Kennedy, asking them to investigate his past and find possible connections to the McGuire Stud Farm in Kildare, Ireland. The recently passed-away owner had a reputation as a cruel man and was married to a woman Séan believed to be his mother. Both died in a car crash, and the estate, with its many secrets, was waiting for an heir. The younger of the Gallagher girls, Nuala, comes to their aid with her own unique gift as Moira, guided by the otherworldly guardians, opposes the evil forces. We Are Shadows by Gail Grant Park is an engaging read for fans of mystery, detective, and suspense novels with a paranormal element.

We Are Shadows is a thrilling read divided into four interconnected parts. The events unfold in Ireland, and Gail Grant Park has graciously added a pronunciation and translation guide for Irish proper names and terms. Pieces of Irish wisdom, like "A handful of skills is better than a bagful of gold," open some chapters. Gail offers us interesting insights into the dark periods of the history of Ireland, like the Great Famine and the social injustice that followed it. The binding elements of the book's four parts are kindness and compassion. Moira is always ready to help those who reach out for her, be it her next-door neighbor or a ghost from the other side of the veil. Open-hearted Moira, empathetic Deirdre, and Nuala, who is always honest with herself, are very lovable characters. Gail touches on the importance of family connections. Nana Brigid may be dead, but she watches over her granddaughters constantly. She is a great secondary character with a vibrant personality to remember. I liked the touching story of Moira's and Deirdre's trip to the US, where they tried to support an elderly relative in need. We Are Shadows has an appealing writing style and a captivating plotline with many unpredictable twists.

Ebook Details
  • 11/2023
  • 1-7379917-6-2 B0CK57LZJ2
  • 370 pages
  • $4.99
