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Martha Kinney
What Is In Your Hand?
What is in Your Hand? Martha Kinney Moses led the nation of Israel from slavery What is in Your Hand? Martha Kinney Moses led the nation of Israel from slavery to their promised land with just a shepherd’s staff. As common as it appeared, that staff contained hidden powers that accomplished great things, from defeating the greatest magicians of Egypt to bringing water from a rock. Like Moses, each of us possess powers we may not even recognize though they are within us. All we need to do is recognize what we have in our their promised land with just a shepherd’s staff. As common as it appeared, that staff contained hidden powers that accomplished great things, from defeating the greatest magicians of Egypt to bringing water from a rock. Like Moses, each of us possess powers we may not even recognize though they are within us. All we need to do is recognize what we have in our hand.
Plot/Idea: 7 out of 10
Originality: 7 out of 10
Prose: 6 out of 10
Character/Execution: 6 out of 10
Overall: 6.50 out of 10


Plot/Idea: This guide uses examples from religious text to empower the user to improve their outlook on life, and while currently cohesive, it could improve through creating a stronger connection with the reader.

Prose: This guide is well-written, with an even flow. Some paragraphs grow repetitive and might be fine-tuned to become more succinct.

Originality: The author uses examples of more obscure Biblical figures to inspire and teach the reader.

Character Development/Execution: This guide is organized and focused on the author’s main vision, but certain paragraph formatting could be altered to improve readability.

Date Submitted: December 02, 2021

