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Vera Hastie
Whatever happened to Rosemarie?
At the end of 1954, just a handful of weeks after emigrating from a small village in Germany to Montreal Canada, Rosemarie Döderlein (Doederlein) just turned 14 years old when she vanished on the way to a bakery a few doors down from the family apartment, never to be seen or heard from again. After 68 years of fruitless searching and wondering, in 2022, Rosemarie’s youngest sister Vera finally learned the truth of what happened to her. It is a remarkable story about unconditional love, DNA, and investigative genetic genealogy. Reporting on the story and the details of Vera’s final search made the cover of Reader’s Digest Canada, Reader’s Digest UK, Reader’s Digest Germany, at the end of 2023. Vera’s novel tells the story of her family’s life in Germany: the impact of war, the hope for a better life in Canada, the crushing reality of a tragic loss, and how it is that a family moves forward afterward. Publishing this novel represents the final act of closure on this lifelong arc. For more information about the story, please visit
