Where The Nile Meets the Sea” is an exhilarating account of a prehistoric journey along the mighty Nile River by two coming-of-age siblings, Geb and Lunah, and their friends. Set in the Late Stone Age, they must overcome threatening animals, destructive weather, and humans who one day are revered as ancient Egyptian gods as they seek to find Ari, their missing friend, and fulfill their father’s dream to reach lands beneath a mysterious star that never moves. Every decision can change the course of their destiny, leaving the reader eagerly anticipating what will happen next.
The story begins with Ben, a modern-day university student, embarking on an international flight to Cairo to discover the mysterious secrets of the Great Sphinx of Giza. His curiosity about the world comes from stories told to him by his beloved grandma during his youth. Warm interactions between Ben and his grandmother—sometimes tongue-in-cheek—are woven throughout the grandmother’s prehistoric tale.
“Where the Nile Meets the Sea” is a fun and educational read intended to inspire youth to spend more time outdoors as they learn about nature, constellations, the climate, prehistoric creatures, pyramid-building, and ancient Egyptian gods. The novel’s underlying themes are unveiled in a joyful story-ending, circle-of-life twist. At its conclusion, the novel symbolically explores a search for meaning in life and the preservation of Earth for future generations.
“Where the Nile Meets the Sea,” 228 pages, is available for purchase from Amazon. ISBN: 9798335753708. List Price: Paperback $ 12.90, eBook $ 7.45.
Also available in hardcover format, ISBN 9798218564766, the novel is available for bookstores, schools, and libraries from the Ingram Book Group effective 1/2/2025.
“Gunjaric captures the essence of the deep connection between humans and nature in a setting that reflects the fragile harmony between past and present. Her writing impresses with rich details, memorable scenes, and the symbolism she gives to natural elements, such as the North Star, a guiding landmark for the main characters. The novel offers an escape into a forgotten world, inviting us to reflect upon the connection between all humans and universal values that transcend time and space."
--The Historical Fiction Company
"All the more impressive when considering that "Where the Nile Meets the Sea" is author Andreja B. Gunjaric's debut as a novelist, this deftly crafted, prehistoric, and impressively original fantasy is about two coming-of-age siblings, their friends, and their struggle against the land, the river, and ancient gods. "Where the Nile Meets the Sea" is a skillfully written and fun read from start to finish. This story of Geb and Lunah’s battle for survival will appeal to young readers ages 8-18 and is an especially recommended pick for families, K-12 schools, and community/public library YA Fiction collections."
--Midwest Book Review
“It’s amazing the same hardships and joys of life are shared by humans ten thousand years apart. The descriptions of battles and crude weaponry, animals and their habitats, stars and constellations, historical and geographical references, and family love and loss make this book well worth reading. Highly recommend!” – Amazon Customer
“The story maintained my attention from start to finish, eagerly anticipating what would happen next.” – John
“Loved the description of the natural environment.” - Susan
“Warm, touching, and full of wisdom. Passages soar with beautiful writing.” – Joanne