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Whipped Cream & Piano Wire
In the late 1990’s, Atlanta, GA, booms with development and an influx of population. Ann Audrey Pickering has withdrawn from her law practice, hiding from the media glare caused when she helped the FBI prosecute her (now) ex-husband. Ann Audrey is pulled from her secluded life when her best friend, sexy Theo Humphries, becomes the prime suspect in the murder of Theo’s lover, a wealthy real estate developer married to an Atlanta socialite. To save Theo, Ann Audrey travels from tony neighborhoods in Atlanta to the coast of Georgia, investigating golf courses and luxury homes to unravel a secret the dead man’s buddies have hidden since they served with him in Vietnam. Distrustful of police and emotionally closed off after her disastrous marriage, Ann Audrey is reluctantly attracted to arrogant and handsome police lieutenant Mike Bristol. Her investigation leads to a dangerous confrontation with the killer and a decision that challenges Ann Audrey’s principles.

Quarter Finalist

Plot/Idea: 10 out of 10
Originality: 10 out of 10
Prose: 10 out of 10
Character/Execution: 10 out of 10
Overall: 10.00 out of 10


Plot: Simpson has crafted an exciting mystery filled with entertaining characters and great plot twists. The mystery and characters are complex and leave the reader guessing until all is revealed. This was a delight to read and a great start to an interesting series.

Prose/Style: The language is clear and easy to understand, and the story follows a logical progression.

Originality: This book has a creative mystery that still adheres to the standard mystery plot progression. The characters are unique and have well-developed backgrounds, and the storyline fits well in the cozy mystery subgenre.

Character Development/Execution: Anne demonstrates growth from being a recluse due to traumatic incidents in her past to helping her friend and breaking out of her shell. She is set up to be an interesting protagonist for this series.

Blurb: Simpson's exciting mystery follows Anne Audrey on her quest to clear her best friend's name and solve the death of her friend's lover.  Set in the charming South, this mystery will draw the reader in and leave them wanting more.

Date Submitted: April 09, 2021

